Feral Fighting Page 5
10. Practice razing skills with both your weak and dominant hands.
Chapter Five: Feral Fighting Drills and Exercises
In this chapter, I’m going to provide you with a variety of drills and exercises that will help develop and improve your Feral Fighting skills. Let’s begin with the anchor switching drill.
Anchor Switching Drill
As I discussed in Chapter Three, there might be circumstances when your opponent grabs your razing hand and pulls it away from his face. In such a situation, you will need to switch anchors in order to resume your razing assault. The following sequence of photographs demonstrate the anchor switching drill.
Step 1: Franco begins the drill by anchoring his opponents neck with his left hand.
Step 2: Franco begins his razing assault with a palm jolt.
Step 4: Franco delivers an eye rake.
Step 5: Franco’s training partner grabs his right wrist.
Step 6: Next, he traps Franco’s right hand to his chest.
Step 7: The training partner releases Franco’s left hand. Franco resumes razing.
Step 8: Franco delivers a Palm jolt.
Step 9: He follows up with an eye rake.
Step 10: Franco drags the eye rake downward.
Step 11: Next, he applies a shaving forearm.
Step 12: The training partner grabs Franco’s left wrist.
Step 13: Next, he releases Franco’s right hand. Franco resumes razing.
Step 14: Franco continues his assault until his training partner grabs his wrist.
Anchor Switching Limitations
Since the anchor switching drill requires you to perform razing skills on your live training partner, you must be especially careful with the speed and intensity of the assault. You might find a training partner that is overly sensitive to certain targets. The following photos demonstrate how your training partner might reflexively disengage from the drill.
Here, Franco performs the anchor switching drill with his partner.
He attacks his training partner’s neck.
Franco’s training partner reflexively disengages from the drill.
To remedy the problem, Franco uses a second man to prevent his training partner from disengaging the range of the drill.
Controlled Feral Fighting Simulations
If you are well versed in the Feral Fighting techniques and have a solid understanding of safety and control, you can perform both shielding and razing simulations. Once again, this drill should only be performed by practitioners who possess an exceptional amount of control. Remember, safety always comes first!
Step 1: The simulation begins with the defender (right) assuming a de-escalation stance.
Step 2: As the training partner rushes forward, the defender intercepts him with a controlled shielding wedge maneuver.
Step 4: He follows up with a controlled short arc hammer fist strike to the nose.
Step 5: Followed by another shaving forearm to the side of
Step 6: Next, in a slow and controlled fashion, the defender performs the neck crank technique.
Step 7: The defender carefully turns his training partner’s neck counter clockwise.
Step 8: The attacker quickly finds himself in a rear naked choke hold.
Step 9: Once the choke is solidified, the defender takes his training partner to the ground.
Full-Contact Feral Fighting Simulations
You and your training partner can also perform full-contact simulations. Once again, safety should always be your priority.
Step 1: The defender (right) assumes a de-escalation stance.
Step 2: The defender closes the distance gap by lunging forward with a shielding wedge at the attacker’s face.
Step 3: The defender anchors his partner’s neck and delivers a shaving forearm.
Step 4: Next, he attacks with a short arc hammer fist to the nose.
Step 5: The defender follows up with another shaving forearm.
Step 6: He performs a controlled eye rake across his partner’s eyes.
Step 7: In a slow and controlled fashion, the defender performs the neck crank technique.
Step 8: The defender carefully turns his training partner’s neck counter clockwise.
Step 9: He forces his training partner to the ground.
Step 10: The defender establishes the side mount position.
Shielding Wedge “Static Line” Drill
The static line drill develops the basic body mechanics of the shielding wedge, while simultaneously testing the structural integrity of your technique.
Step 1: Your partner stands with both fists clenched and his arms extended.
Step 2: Deliver your shielding wedge and make contact your training partner’s fists. This will test the structural integrity of your technique.
Shielding Wedge “Dynamic Line” Drill
The dynamic line drill is similar to the first drill, but it differs because your training partner provides both resistance and movement in the form of a straight line attack.
Step 1: The defender (right) assumes a de-escalation stance.
Step 2: His training partner delivers a linear punch (i.e., jab, lead straight, etc).
Step 3: The defender moves forward with a shielding wedge. Notice how his training partners initial punch is deflected downward.
Step 4: The defender closes the distance gap while simultaneously deflecting his training partner’s second linear punch.
Step 5: The drill is complete once the shielding wedge makes contact with the opponent’s face.
Shielding Wedge “Breaking Off The Line” Drill
Breaking off the line drill brings you one step closer to preparing for a postal attack. In this exercise, your training partner can throw linear blows, hooks, uppercuts, and overhead shots.
Step 1: The defender (right) assumes a de-escalation stance.
Step 2: His training partner delivers a linear punch (i.e., jab, lead straight, etc).
Step 3: The defender moves forward with a shielding wedge. Again, notice how his training partners initial punch is deflected downward.
Step 4: The defender closes the distance gap
Step 5: The training partner delivers a lead hook punch, but misses his target. The defender is now able to raze his opponent.
More Resources
The unfortunate fact is static photographs don’t do justice to the overwhelming and destructive nature of Feral Fighting. To truly appreciate the brutal and effective characteristics of this unconventional fighting method, I strongly encourage you to watch the dozens of realistic self-defense scenarios featured in my Feral Fighting training video. You can find it on Amazon.com and my website.
I wish you all the best of luck in your training,
- Sammy Franco
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- Sammy Franco
About the Author
With over 30 years of experience, Sammy Franco is one of the world’s foremost authorities on armed and unarmed self-defense. Highly regarded as a leading innovator in combat sciences, Mr. Franco was one of the premier pioneers in the field of “reality-based” self-defense and martial arts instruction.
Sammy Franco is perhaps best known as the founder and creator of Contemporary Fighting Arts (CFA), a state-of-the-art offensive-based combat system that is specifically designed for real-world self-defense. CFA is a sophisticated and practical system of self-defense, designed specifically to provide efficient and effective methods to avoid, defuse, confront, and neutralize both armed and unarmed attackers.
After studying and training in numerou
s martial art systems and related disciplines and acquiring extensive firsthand experience from real “street” combat, Mr. Franco developed his first system, known as Analytical Street Fighting. This system, which was one of the first practical “street fighting” martial arts, employed an unrestrained reality-based training methodology known as Simulated Street Fighting. Analytical Street Fighting served as the foundation for the fundamental principles of Contemporary Fighting Arts and Mr. Franco’s teaching methodology.
CFA also draws from the concepts and principles of numerous sciences and disciplines, including police and military science, criminal justice, criminology, sociology, human psychology, philosophy, histrionics, kinesics, proxemics, kinesiology, emergency medicine, crisis management, and human anatomy.
Sammy Franco has been featured on national radio shows, newspaper and television programs, including the CBS television news magazine 48 HOURS. As a professional writer since 1989, Mr. Franco has authored numerous books on the subject of reality based self-defense, street fighting, martial arts, combat conditioning, combat psychology, and military strategy. He has also published numerous articles for various national publications. In addition, Mr. Franco has directed and produced over 60 instructional self-defense videos.
Sammy Franco’s experience and credibility in the combat science is unequaled. One of his many accomplishments in this field includes the fact that he has earned the ranking of a Law Enforcement Master Instructor, and has designed, implemented, and taught officer survival training to the United States Border Patrol (USBP).
He instructs members of the US Secret Service, Military Special Forces, Washington DC Police Department, Montgomery County, Maryland Deputy Sheriffs, and the US Library of Congress Police. Sammy Franco is also a member of the prestigious International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association (ILEETA) as well as the American Society of Law Enforcement Trainers (ASLET) and he is listed in the “Who’s Who Director of Law Enforcement Instructors.”
Sammy Franco is a nationally certified Law Enforcement Instructor in the following curricula: PR-24 Side-Handle Baton, Police Arrest and Control Procedures, Police Personal Weapons Tactics, Police Power Handcuffing Methods, Police Oleoresin Capsicum Aerosol Training (OCAT), Police Weapon Retention and Disarming Methods, Police Edged Weapon Countermeasures and “Use of Force” Assessment and Response Methods.
Mr. Franco holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminology from the University of Maryland. He is a regularly featured speaker at a number of professional conferences, and conducts dynamic and enlightening seminars on numerous aspects of reality based self-defense and personal protection.
On a personal level, Sammy Franco is an animal lover, who will go to great lengths to assist and rescue animals. Throughout the years, he's rescued everything from turkey vultures to goats. However, his most treasured moments are always spent with his German Shepherd dogs.
For more information about Mr. Franco, you can visit his website at: www.SammyFranco.com or follow him daily on twitter: @RealSammyFranco
Other Books by Sammy Franco
THE WIDOW MAKER PROGRAM: Extreme Self-Defense For Deadly Force Situations The Widow Maker Program is a shocking and revolutionary fighting style designed to unleash extreme force when faced with the immediate threat of an unlawful deadly criminal attack. In this one-of-a-kind book, self-defense innovator Sammy Franco teaches you his brutal and unorthodox combat style that is virtually indefensible and utterly devastating. However, the true power of the Widow Maker comes from its ability to psychologically terrorize a street predator while simultaneously ripping him to pieces. With over 250 photographs and detailed step-by-step instructions, The Widow Maker Program teaches you Franco’s surreptitious Webbing and Razing techniques. When combined, these two fighting methods create an unstoppable force capable of destroying the toughest adversary at will. The Widow Maker Program is a must-have for anyone interested in real world self-defense and who wants the ability to dispense extreme punishment when faced with a deadly force self-defense situation. 250 photos, illustrations, 218 pages. Get your copy here: Kindle edition.
MAXIMUM DAMAGE: Hidden Secrets Behind Brutal Fighting Combination
Maximum Damage teaches you the quickest ways to beat your opponent in the street by exploiting his physical and psychological reactions in a fight. Learn how to stay two steps ahead of your adversary by knowing exactly how he will react to your strikes before they are delivered. In this unique book, reality based self-defense expert Sammy Franco reveals his unique Probable Reaction Dynamic (PRD) fighting method. Probable reaction dynamics are both a scientific and comprehensive offensive strategy based on the positional theory of combat. Regardless of your style of fighting, PRD training will help you overpower your opponent by seamlessly integrating your strikes into brutal fighting combinations that are fast, ferocious and final! 240 photos, illustrations, 238 pages. Get you copy here: Kindle edition.
FIRST STRIKE: End a Fight in Ten Seconds or Less!
Learn how to stop any attack before it starts by mastering the art of the preemptive strike. First Strike gives you an easy-to-learn yet highly effective self-defense game plan for handling violent close-quarter combat encounters. First Strike will teach you instinctive, practical and realistic self-defense techniques that will drop any criminal attacker to the floor with one punishing blow. First Strike covers important topics like range proficiency, ghosting skills, secondary strikes, the compound attack and the offensive flow, the relocation principle, advanced striking methods, blocking techniques, beginner, intermediate and advanced workout routines, real-life first-strike fighting scenarios and much more! By reading this book and by practicing, you will learn the hard-hitting skills necessary to execute a punishing first strike and ultimately prevail in a self-defense situation. 220 photos, illustrations, 202 pages. Get you copy here: Kindle edition.
OUT OF THE CAGE: A Complete Guide to Beating a Mixed Martial Artist on the Street
Mixed martial arts is the new Karate of the twenty-first century. It seems like everyone is studying some form of mixed martial arts, and there's a very good chance that you might have to one day defend yourself against a mixed martial artist in a self-defense encounter. The good news is, you don’t need to join a mixed martial arts school or become a cage fighter to learn how to effectively defend yourself against a mixed martial artist. What you need are solid skills and combat proven techniques that can be applied under the stress of real world combat conditions. Out of the Cage: A Complete Guide to Beating a Mixed Martial Artist on the Street, teaches you everything you need to know about defeating a mixed martial artist on the streets. Besides showing you how to escape, counter and defeat a mixed martial artist on the streets, Mr. Franco also takes you inside the mind of the MMA fighter and reveals all of his tactical weaknesses, allowing you to quickly exploit them to your advantage during a street fight. 124 photos, illustrations, 194 pages. Get you copy here: Kindle edition.
WAR MACHINE: How to Transform Yourself Into A Vicious & Deadly Street Fighter
War Machine is a book that will change you for the rest of your life! This unique mental and physical combat conditioning system is specifically designed to transform you into a vicious and deadly street fighter. When followed accordingly, War Machine will forge your mind, body and spirit into iron. Once armed with the mental and physical attributes of the War Machine, you will become a strong and confident warrior that can handle just about anything that life may throw your way. In essence, War Machine is a way of life. Powerful, intense, and hard. In this unique transformation program, world-renowned combat expert, Sammy Franco shares his secrets for building explosive speed, bone crushing power and unparalleled mental strength. War Machine is ideal for military, law enforcement, martial artists or anyone regardless of age or gender who wants the winning edge in modern day combat. 150 photos, illustrations, 210 pages. Get you copy here: Kindle edition.
bsp; WHEN SECONDS COUNT: Self-Defense for the Real World
When Seconds Count is a comprehensive street smart self-defense book instructing law abiding citizens how to protect themselves against the mounting threat of violent crime. You can't learn this in a Karate class or mixed martial arts school. In fact, there are many instructors out there who are doing a lot more harm than good by making people believe they are trained to cope with vicious street criminals. Truth is, the martial arts techniques that score points and win trophies could get you killed in real-life self-defense encounters. When Seconds Count is considered by many to be one of the best books on real world self-defense instruction. Ideal for men and women of all ages who are serious about taking responsibility for their own safety. By studying the concepts and techniques taught in this book, you will feel a renewed sense of empowerment, enabling you to live your life with greater confidence and personal freedom. photos, illustrations, 208 pages. Get you copy here: Kindle edition.