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  A Word of Caution!

  If you intend to use any hand-held weapon for self-defense, get training from a qualified instructor. You must learn several essential tactics before using this tool on the streets. Before you purchase or carry any self-defense weapon, check with your local and state laws regarding its possession and use. Also, remember that it is a federal offense to carry any self-defense weapon aboard an aircraft.

  Environmental Exploitation

  Since combat can occur at any place and anytime, it’s critical that you know how to effectively raze your adversary in different types of close-quarter environments. This means practicing in a variety of different environments, terrains, locations, and positions Here are just a few examples:

  In your car

  In an elevator

  On a bridge

  In a narrow hallway

  In a doorway

  In a bathroom stall

  In a crowd

  Lying in your bed

  In a cluttered garage

  On a narrow stairwell

  Between tall shrubbery

  When ground fighting

  Ascending and descending a hill

  While standing in the water

  Also, don’t forget to practice your razing skills under such adverse conditions as snow, rain, and in darkness or dim light. The more varied the situations and environments, the better prepared you’ll be for the actual encounter.

  Environmental Exploitation Examples

  Once you become comfortable and proficient razing in these types of environments, you’ll then be able to exploit them and use them as razing amplifiers. For example, when razing your adversary, you can:

  Force your assailant to stand and fight on unstable terrains such as snow, ice, mud, wet leaves, or gravel.

  Force your adversary backward off a cliff or bridge.

  Force your adversary backward into a large ditch or pothole.

  Pin his head against a door.

  Smash the back of his head into a concrete wall or metal pole.

  Force the opponent backward into oncoming traffic.

  Shove your adversary’s head or eyes into broken glass.

  If razing takes place on the ground, drive or smash the assailant’s head or face into the pavement or street curb. Or force his head under water, sand, snow, thick mud, or a pile of wet leaves for a prolonged period of time.

  Thrust your assailant’s eyes or head into barbed or razor wire.

  Maneuver your assailant’s entire head into the pathway of moving machinery.

  Position yourself so that the immediate light source (sun, auto headlights, street lamp, etc.) glares into your adversary’s eyes and not yours. This will assist you in creating subtle visual distractions that will impair your adversary’s reaction time.

  Strategically maneuver yourself into a position that will allow you to escape safely.

  How many razing amplifiers do you see in this environment?

  Conditioning and Strength Training

  One of the most important and often neglected aspects of razing is conditioning and strength training. It’s no surprise that strong fingers, wrists and forearms will significantly enhance your razing skills.

  As a matter of fact, powerful hands and forearms will amplify the power of your rakes, gouges, and tearing techniques. Strong forearms will enhance techniques such as neck cranks, rear naked chokes, and anchoring. There are several effective hand and forearm exercises you can perform to strengthen these muscles. What follows are several ways to condition and strengthen your hands, wrists, and forearms for razing skills.

  Power Putty

  One excellent hand exerciser that strengthens all the muscles in your fingers and hands is Power Putty. Essentially, Power Putty is a flexible silicone rubber that can be squeezed, stretched, and crushed. Begin using the putty for ten-minute sessions and progressively build up to thirty minutes.

  This tough, resistant hand putty will strengthen the muscles of your forearm, wrists, hands and fingers. Remember to work both hands equally.

  Hand Grippers

  Another effective way to strengthen your hands, wrists and forearms is to work out with heavy duty hand grippers. While there are a wide selection of them on the market, I personally prefer using the Captains of Crush brand. These high quality grippers are virtually indestructible and they are sold in a variety of different resistance levels ranging from 60 to 365 pounds.

  Weight Training

  Finally, you can also condition your wrists and forearms by performing various forearm exercises with free weights. Exercises like hammer curls, reverse curls, wrist curls, and reverse wrist curls are great for developing powerful forearms. When training your forearms, be certain to work both your extensor and flexor muscles. Let’s look at some of the exercises.

  Barbell Wrist Curls

  This exercise strengthens the flexor muscles. Perform 5 sets of 8-10 repetitions. To perform the exercise, follow these steps:

  Sit at the end of a bench, grab a barbell with an underhand grip and place both of your hands close together.

  In a smooth and controlled fashion, slowly bend your wrists and lower the barbell toward the floor.

  Contract your forearms and curl the weight back to the starting position.

  Reverse Wrist Curls

  This exercise develops and strengthens the extensor muscle of the forearm. Perform 6 sets of 6-8 repetitions. To perform the exercise, follow these steps:

  Sit at the end of a bench, hold a barbell with an overhand grip (your hands should be approximately 11 inches apart) and place your forearms on top of your thighs.

  Slowly lower the barbell as far as your wrists will allow.

  Flex your wrists upward back to the starting position.

  Behind-the-Back Wrist Curls

  This exercise strengthens both the flexor muscles of the forearms. Perform 5 sets of 6-8 repetitions To perform the exercise, follow these steps:

  Hold a barbell behind your back at arm’s length (your hands should be approximately shoulder-width apart).

  Uncurl your finger and let the barbell slowly roll down your palms.

  Close your hands and roll the barbell back into your hands.

  Hammer Curls

  This exercise strengthens both the Brachialis and Brachioradialis muscles. Perform 5 sets of 8-10 repetitions. To perform the exercise, follow these steps:

  Stand with both feet approximately shoulder-width apart, with both dumbbells at your sides.

  Keeping your elbows close to your body and your palms facing inward, slowly curl both dumbbells upward towards your shoulders.

  Slowly return to the starting position.

  Reverse Barbell Curls

  Reverse curls can be a great alternative to hammer curls. This exercise strengthens both the Brachialis and Brachioradialis muscles. Perform 5 sets of 8-10 repetitions. To perform the exercise, follow these steps:

  Stand with both feet approximately shoulder width apart. Hold a barbell with your palms facing down (pronated grip).

  Keeping your upper arms stationary, curl the weights up until the bar is at shoulder level.

  Slowly return to the starting position.

  Widow Maker Program Resources

  The Widow Maker Program Video

  If you wish to explore additional information about my Widow Maker Program, I encourage you to first watch the Widow Maker Program video. This foundational video teaches you the entire self-defense system from the ground up. Besides covering both the theoretical and practical aspects of the system, it also features numerous webbing and razing demonstrations performed in real-time speed. You can find this video on Amazon and my website at SammyFranco.com.

  A word of caution! Because of the realistic nature of our self-defense training, the role playing scenarios featured in this particular video contain profane and abusive language. Viewer discretion is advised!

  Feral Fighting Video

  For those of you who would like to take
the Widow Maker Program to the next level, be sure to watch Feral Fighting: Advanced Widow Maker Fighting Techniques. This instructional video introduces you to the more advanced razing skills and techniques that were not covered in the first video.Some advanced techniques include:

  The Shielding Wedge

  The Jersey Pull

  The Neck Crush

  The Trap and Tuck



  Once again, you can find it on Amazon.com and my website.

  Author's Note

  I sincerely hope you have gained some useful information from reading my book. Hopefully, you will never be faced with a situation that requires you to use the extreme self-defense methods described in this book. However, if such a situation did arise, you’ll be more than equipped to protect yourself and your loved ones from serious harm.

  Remember, always approach life peacefully. Always treat others with dignity and respect. You will earn the right to expect the same.

  Be safe!

  - Sammy Franco


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  The publishing industry is a very competitive business. As an independent author, your book review is very important and extremely helpful!

  I sincerely appreciate your help! Thanks again.

  - Sammy Franco

  About Sammy Franco

  With over 30 years of experience, Sammy Franco is one of the world’s foremost authorities on armed and unarmed self-defense. Highly regarded as a leading innovator in combat sciences, Mr. Franco was one of the premier pioneers in the field of “reality-based” self-defense and martial arts instruction.

  Sammy Franco is perhaps best known as the founder and creator of Contemporary Fighting Arts (CFA), a state-of-the-art offensive-based combat system that is specifically designed for real-world self-defense. CFA is a sophisticated and practical system of self-defense, designed specifically to provide efficient and effective methods to avoid, defuse, confront, and neutralize both armed and unarmed attackers.

  Sammy Franco has frequently been featured in martial art magazines, newspapers, and appeared on numerous radio and television programs. Mr. Franco has also authored numerous books, magazine articles, and editorials, and has developed a popular library of instructional videos.

  Sammy Franco’s experience and credibility in the combat science is unequaled. One of his many accomplishments in this field includes the fact that he has earned the ranking of a Law Enforcement Master Instructor, and has designed, implemented, and taught officer survival training to the United States Border Patrol (USBP). He has instructed members of the US Secret Service, Military Special Forces, Washington DC Police Department, Montgomery County, Maryland Deputy Sheriffs, and the US Library of Congress Police. Sammy Franco is also a member of the prestigious International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association (ILEETA) as well as the American Society of Law Enforcement Trainers (ASLET) and he is listed in the “Who’s Who Director of Law Enforcement Instructors.”

  Sammy Franco is a nationally certified Law Enforcement Instructor in the following curricula: PR-24 Side-Handle Baton, Police Arrest and Control Procedures, Police Personal Weapons Tactics, Police Power Handcuffing Methods, Police Oleoresin Capsicum Aerosol Training (OCAT), Police Weapon Retention and Disarming Methods, Police Edged Weapon Countermeasures and “Use of Force” Assessment and Response Methods.

  Mr. Franco holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminal Justice from the University of Maryland. He is a regularly featured speaker at a number of professional conferences and conducts dynamic and enlightening seminars on numerous aspects of self-defense and combat training.

  On a personal level, Sammy Franco is an animal lover, who will go to great lengths to assist and rescue animals. Throughout the years, he’s rescued everything from turkey vultures to goats. However, his most treasured moments are always spent with his beloved German Shepherd dogs.

  For more information about Mr. Franco and his unique Contemporary Fighting Arts system, you can visit his website at SammyFranco.com or follow him on Twitter @RealSammyFranco

  More Books by Sammy Franco


  Extreme Self-Defense for Deadly Force Situations

  by Sammy Franco

  The Widow Maker Program is a shocking and revolutionary fighting style designed to unleash extreme force when faced with the immediate threat of an unlawful deadly criminal attack. In this unique book, self-defense innovator Sammy Franco teaches you his brutal and unorthodox combat style that is virtually indefensible and utterly devastating. With over 250 photographs and detailed step-by-step instructions, The Widow Maker Program teaches you Franco’s surreptitious Webbing and Razing techniques. When combined, these two fighting methods create an unstoppable force capable of destroying the toughest adversary. 8.5 x 5.5, paperback, photos, illus, 218 pages. Also available on Kindle.


  Advanced Widow Maker Fighting Techniques

  by Sammy Franco

  In this sequel, Sammy Franco marches forward with cutting- edge concepts and techniques that will take your self-defense skills to entirely new levels of combat performance. Feral Fighting includes Franco’s revolutionary Shielding Wedge technique. When used correctly, it transforms you into an unstoppable human meat grinder, capable of destroying any criminal adversary. Feral Fighting also teaches you the cunning art or Scorching. Learn how to convert your fingertips into burning torches that generate over 2 million scoville heat units causing excruciating pain and temporarily blindness. 8.5 x 5.5, paperback, photos, illustrations, 204 pages. Also available on Kindle.


  Hidden Secrets Behind Brutal Fighting Combination

  by Sammy Franco

  Maximum Damage teaches you the quickest ways to beat your opponent in the street by exploiting his physical and psychological reactions in a fight. Learn how to stay two steps ahead of your adversary by knowing exactly how he will react to your strikes before they are delivered. In this unique book, reality based self-defense expert Sammy Franco reveals his unique Probable Reaction Dynamic (PRD) fighting method. Probable reaction dynamics are both a scientific and comprehensive offensive strategy based on the positional theory of combat. Regardless of your style of fighting, PRD training will help you overpower your opponent by seamlessly integrating your strikes into brutal fighting combinations that are fast, ferocious and final! 8.5 x 5.5, paperback, 240 photos, illustrations, 238 pages. Also available on Kindle.


  Tactical Savagery as a Last Resort

  by Sammy Franco

  In this revolutionary book, Sammy Franco reveals the science behind his most primal street fighting method. Savage Street Fighting is a brutal self-defense system specifically designed to teach the law-abiding citizen how to use “Tactical Savagery” when faced with the immediate threat of an unlawful deadly criminal attack. Savage Street Fighting is systematically engineered to protect you when there are no other self-defense options left! With over 300 photographs and detailed step-by-step instructions, Savage Street Fighting is a must-have book for anyone concerned about real world self-defense. Now is the time to learn how to unleash your inner beast! 8.5 x 5.5, paperback, 317 photos, illustrations, 232 pages. Also available on Kindle.


  End a Fight in Ten Seconds or Less!

  by Sammy Franco

  Learn how to stop any attack before it starts by mastering the art of the preemptive strike. First Strike gives you an easy-to-learn yet highly effective self-defense game plan for handling violent close-quarter combat encounters. First Strike will teach you instinctive, practical and realistic self-defense techniques that will drop any criminal attacker to the floor with one punishing blow. By reading this book and by practicing, you
will learn the hard-hitting skills necessary to execute a punishing first strike and ultimately prevail in a self-defense situation. And that’s what it is all about: winning in as little time as possible. 8.5 x 5.5, paperback, photos, illustrations, 202 pages. Also available on Kindle.


  How to Transform Yourself Into A Vicious & Deadly Street Fighter

  by Sammy Franco

  War Machine is a book that will change you for the rest of your life! When followed accordingly, War Machine will forge your mind, body and spirit into iron. Once armed with the mental and physical attributes of the War Machine, you will become a strong and confident warrior that can handle just about anything that life may throw your way. In essence, War Machine is a way of life. Powerful, intense, and hard. War Machine is ideal for military, law enforcement, martial artists, or anyone regardless of age or gender, who wants the winning edge in modern day combat. 11 x 8.5, paperback, photos, illustrations, 210 pages. Also available on Kindle.


  Quick and Simple Steps to Mastering the Kubotan Keychain

  by Sammy Franco

  With over 290 photographs and step-by-step instructions, Kubotan Power is the authoritative resource for mastering this devastating self-defense weapon. In this one-of-a-kind book, world-renowned self-defense expert, Sammy Franco takes thirty years of real-world teaching experience and gives you quick, easy and practical kubotan techniques that can be used by civilians, law enforcement personnel, or military professionals. The Kubotan is an incredible self-defense weapon that has helped thousands of people effectively defend themselves. Men, women, law enforcement officers, military, and security professionals alike, appreciate this small and discreet self-defense tool. Unfortunately, however, very little has been written about the kubotan, leaving it shrouded in both mystery and ignorance. As a result, most people don’t know how to unleash the full power of this unique personal defense weapon. 8.5 x 5.5, paperback, 290 photos, illustrations, 204 pages. Also available on Kindle.