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While an unskilled opponent, who attempts razing, is more of a nuisance than a serious threat, he still must be dealt with immediately. The following photo sequence demonstrate the trap and tuck technique during a real-time self-defense encounter.
Trap and Tuck Demonstration
Step 1: Franco begins his razing sequence with a shaving forearm.
Step 2: Next, he follows up with a reverse shaving forearm across his opponent’s face.
Step 3: He attacks with a palm jolt.
Step 4: Franco attacks with an eye rake.
Step 5: The opponent assumes he can do the same to Franco and he prepares to deliver a counter assault.
Step 6: In an act of desperation, the opponent attempts to raze Franco.
Step 7: Franco immediately employ the trap and tuck technique. He starts by securing his opponent’s arm using a windmill trapping technique.
Step 8: Pictured here, Franco successfully immobilizes his opponent’s arm.
Step 9: Next, Franco forcefully tucks his head into his opponent’s upper chest region.
Step 10: Once the Trap and Tuck technique is successfully implemented, Franco begins his razing sequence with his left hand.
Trap and Tuck Variation
If you adversary decides to strike you while his arm is trapped, you can apply the following maneuver. Step 1: Franco blocks the opponent’ punch with his free arm.
Step 2: Next, he applies the windmill trapping technique.
Step 3: Franco has the option of performing a double arm bar on both of his opponent’s elbows.
Step 4: Franco can also feed his left arm across both his opponent’s arms and create a figure four lock.
Step 5: With the figure four arm lock in place, Franco has the option to continue razing his adversary.
Scorching — The Mother Lode of Pain!
Scorching is the process of quickly and inconspicuously applying oleoresin capsicum (a hot pepper extract) to your fingers tips and then razing the adversary.
Scorching is a devastating self-defense tactic that is, by far, the most excruciating form of hand-to-hand combat. It’s especially useful for people who frequent dangerous, high-risk environments and who want to amplify the power of their razing techniques.
However, to really appreciate the painful nature of scorching, you need a fundamental understanding of oleoresin capsicum and it’s effects on the human body.
Scorching Ingredients — Oleoresin Capsicum
Oleoresin capsicum (also known as OC) is a natural mixture of oil and cayenne pepper. Oleoresin capsicum is found in OC self- defense spray or “pepper spray” and it’s an inflammatory agent that
affects the assailant’s mucus membranes (i.e., eyes, nose, throat, and lungs). When oleoresin capsicum is applied to the mucus membranes, the following reactions will occur:
Eyes will tear and swell shut
Impaired motor skill function
Impaired muscle coordination
Severe burning sensation
Impaired vision for approximately ten minutes
Restricted breathing for about thirty minutes
Oleoresin capsicum self-defense spray is sold in a variety of different concentrations (anywhere from five to ten percent). However, these percentages can often be confusing and misleading because the effectiveness of OC is determined by its strength and not its percent of volume. Essentially, OC strength depends on the grind of the pepper before the oil is extracted.
Turn Up The Heat!
Oleoresin Capsicum strength is often measured in Scoville Heat Units (SHU’s). By comparison, a jalapeño pepper has a standard rating of approximately 3,500 SHU, and a habanero measures in at 325,000 SHU. For self-defense purposes, two million SHU is ideal for scorching.
Oleoresin capsicum is perfect for razing because it is potent and works almost immediately on the criminal assailant. Unlike Mace or CS gas, oleoresin capsicum will incapacitate your attacker regardless of his tolerance to pain. As a matter of fact, oleoresin capsicum is well known for stopping violent psychotics, drug users, and enraged drunks.
More Physical Effects of Oleoresin Capsicum
Skin Exposure
• Blistering
• Redness
• Swelling
• Intense burning sensation
Respiratory Exposure
• Inability to speak
• Gagging
• Gasping for air
• Shortness of breath
• Wheezing
• Intense burning of the throat
Nasal Exposure
• Intense headache
• Sneezing
• Reflex mucus secretion
Eye Exposure:
• Redness of the eyes
• Swelling of the eyes
• Severe pain
• Conjunctive inflammation
• Lacrimation of the eyes
• Involuntary closing of the eyes
How to Apply the OC
As I mentioned earlier, scorching requires you to directly apply oleoresin capsicum to your fingers tips. Moreover, it should only be applied to your primary razing hand. For example, if you are right handed, you would only apply it to your right hand.
Never apply oleoresin capsicum to both of your hands, because you run the risk of accidentally contaminating yourself. Also, you don’t want to apply OC to you anchoring hand because your hand will become slippery and you will most likely lose your grip on your opponent’s neck.
Don’t Use Aerosol Pepper Spray Canisters
Do not use an aerosol pepper spray canister to apply oleoresin capsicum to your fingertips. This is hazardous because you will most likely contaminate yourself and it significantly reduces the potency of OC. Effective scorching will require you to find oleoresin capsicum in a liquid form that can be directly applied to your fingers.
Essentially, you need oleoresin capsicum to be in a liquid form and you must apply it directly to your fingers. There are several on- line manufacturers that sell oleoresin capsicum in liquid form.
Hot Pepper Sauce — A Reliable Alternative to OC!
Another alternative substance for effective scorching is hot pepper sauce. Unbelievably, some brands on the market have as much as 2,000,000 scoville heat units. Since the average supermarket does not carry extremely hot pepper sauce, you will most likely have to purchase it on-line.
I must also remind you that scorching should only be used in self-defense situations where deadly force is legally warranted and justified in the eyes of the law!
The Ink Pad Method of Application
There are several efficient ways of applying liquid oleoresin capsicum to your fingertips. One of the best ways is to use my ink pad method. This is very inexpensive and it just requires you to purchase a dry ink pad which is sold at your local office supply store.
Simply pour a liberal amount of liquid OC on the dry pad. To prevent the oleoresin capsicum from evaporating, keep the lid closed at all times and only open it when you must apply it to your fingertips. It’s also a good idea to regularly check the ink pad to see if OC residue still remains on the pad.
Just like self-defense sprays, the OC ink pad can easily be transported in your purse, backpack, briefcase, jacket pocket, car, etc.
A word of caution, it is your responsibility to check with your local police department regarding the possession and transportation of liquid oleoresin capsicum.
The ink pad method is one of the best ways of applying liquid oleoresin capsicum to your fingers.
Ink Pad Loading Speed
I have conducted hundreds of simulated test scenarios with my students and have determined that you can load liquid oleoresin capsicum on your fingers in less than three seconds. These test were conducted using my ink pad method of carry.
A three second load time will require proper training and practice and much will also depend on how and where you carry your liquid OC.
Here, Sammy Franco demonstrates the in
k pad method used for proper scorching application.
You Need to Anticipating Danger
Just like carrying a concealed firearm, tactical folder, kubotan, or pepper spray, scorching requires you to anticipate danger so you can “prepare and load” the liquid oleoresin capsicum on your fingers before the altercation takes place.
Obviously, if you are ambushed or attacked by surprise, you won’t have the time apply the OC and therefore won’t be able to scorch you adversary. The good news, however, is you can still raze the adversary without the OC. As a matter of fact, I often compare scorching to a five megaton nuclear bomb and razing to a three megaton. So, regardless of what you do, your opponent is still going to be in serious trouble!
How to Scorch Your Adversary in a Fight
Scorching doesn’t require you to alter your current style of razing. Actually, nothing changes. All of your razing targets remain the same and the manner in which you attack your adversary will remain unchanged.
The Eyes - The Scorching Target
Since scorching requires you to make direct contact with the opponent’s mucus membrane, you’re limited to attacking his eyes. However, don’t make the tactical mistake of isolating your entire quarter beat assault to just his eyes. Doing so, is a big mistake.
Remember, in order to shut down the opponent’s cognitive brain, you must attack all of his facial targets. Once again, you should raze your opponent as you normally would and let scorching happen naturally during your quarter beat assault.
As I mentioned in my book, The Widow Maker Program: Extreme Self-Defense for Deadly Force Situations, razing techniques require you to attack a very specific set of anatomical targets. All of these targets can be found on the opponent’s face and head. They include the following:
Here’s a quick review of these targets. Let’s start with the eyes.
Eyes sit in the orbital bones of the skull. They are ideal targets for razing because they are extremely sensitive and difficult to protect, and damaging them requires very little force. The eyes can be poked, scratched, and gouged from a variety of angles. Depending on the force of your strike, it can cause numerous injuries, including:
watering of the eyes
blurred vision
temporary or permanent blindness
severe pain
The temple or sphenoid bone is a thin, weak bone located on the side of the skull approximately 1 inch from the eyes. Because of its fragile structure and close proximity to the brain, a powerful strike to this target can be deadly. Other injuries include:
The nose is made up of a thin bone, cartilage, numerous blood vessels, and many nerves. It’s a particularly good target for razing because it stands out from the opponent’s face and can be struck from three different directions (up, straight, down). A powerful blow can cause:
stunning pain
temporary blindness
The chin is equally a good target for razing techniques. When it is struck at a 45-degree angle, shock is transmitted to the cerebellum and cerebral hemispheres of the brain, resulting in paralysis and immediate unconsciousness. Other possible injuries include:
broken jaw
whiplash to the neck
The throat is a lethal razing target because it is only protected by a thin layer of skin. This region consists of the thyroid, hyaline and crocoid cartilage, trachea, and larynx. The trachea, or windpipe, is a cartilaginous tube that measures 4 1/2 inches in length and is approximately 1 inch in diameter. A powerful strike to this target can result in:
blood drowning
massive hemorrhaging
air starvation
If the thyroid cartilage is crushed, hemorrhaging will occur, the windpipe will quickly swell shut, resulting in suffocation.
The back of the neck consists of the first seven vertebrae of the spinal column. They act as a circuit board for nerve impulses from the brain to the body. The back of the neck is a lethal target because the vertebrae are poorly protected. A quick and forceful twisting of the neck can cause:
shock and unconsciousness
a broken neck
complete paralysis
Scorching Combination Requirements
For any quarter beat assault to be considered a scorching combination, it must fulfill the following four requirements:
It must include two or more quarter beat techniques delivered in logical succession.
Liquid oleoresin capsicum must be applied to the fingertips.
The opponent’s eyes must be attacked at least once during your quarter beat assault.
The eye rake must be used at least one time during the course of your scorching assault.
Scorching the Body Opponent Bag
The body opponent bag is the best piece of training equipment for developing your razing skills and techniques. Unlike the traditional heavy bag, this freestanding mannequin bag provides realistic facial targets that you can attack with full-speed, full-force strikes.
Effective razing skills take time and practice to master. Remember to start out slowly and progressively build up the speed and intensity of your quarter beat strikes. If you are a beginner, avoid the urge to attack the bag with maximum speed and force. Take your time and enjoy the process of learning a new skill.
What follows is a series of scorching combinations that can be performed on the body opponent bag. These techniques should be performed “dry”, without oleoresin capsicum applied to your fingers. Never let liquid oleoresin capsicum make contact with the body opponent bag. Doing so, can damage the bag and possibly lead to accidental contamination.
If the quarter beat techniques seem unfamiliar to you, please refer to my original book, The Widow Maker Program: Extreme Self- Defense for Deadly Force Situations, for detailed information about each razing technique.
Right Hand Scorching Combinations
The following ten scorching combinations should be performed with your right hand while anchoring the neck with your left.
Create Your Own Scorching Combinations
Use this section to write down your own scorching combinations.
Body Opponent Bag Razing Tips
Here are some important points to keep in mind when razing the body opponent bag.
1. Don’t “force the raze.” Let your series of quarter beat strikes flow naturally.
2. Don’t forget to include biting tactics in your training.
3. Always remain relaxed when razin
g. Tightening your muscles will only slow you down and break your offensive flow.
4. Get into the habit of executing “zero beat” techniques at the end of your razing combination.
5. Practice your razing skills at least three times per week (30 minutes per workout session) for six consecutive months.
6. Keep your razing movement clean and tight and avoid sloppy telegraphic movements.
7. While the body opponent bag is a useful training tool, understand and recognize its inherent limitations. Remember, razing a stationary mannequin bag is nothing like razing an adrenaline induced human being.
8. If you want to improve the speed and overall flow of your razing techniques during your workout, you can apply a silicone based lubricant to the BOB’s face.
9. Never stand squarely in front of the bag when razing. Not only does this expose vital targets, it also diminishes your balance and inhibits your footwork. Always try to maintain a forty-five degree stance from your assailant.