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Unleash Hell Page 3

  Step 1: Franco begins with his left hand anchoring the neck.

  Step 2: He starts with a palm jolt to the chin.

  Step 3: Next, he rakes his fingers into the eyes of the bag.

  Step 4: Franco follows up with a shaving forearm.

  Step 5: He drives a short arc hammer fist to the nose.

  Step 6: Without breaking contact, he delivers a diagonal elbow strike.

  Step 7: Next, a reverse shaving forearm.

  Step 8: The shaving forearm converts into another short arc hammer fist.

  Step 9: Franco grasps the neck with two hands.

  Step 10: He attacks with a head butt strike to the nose

  Step 11: He sets up the neck crank.

  Step 12: The razing sequence ends with a violent neck crank.

  Razing Demonstration #17

  Palm jolt – Eye rake – Vertical elbow – Hammer fist – Diagonal elbow – Reverse shaving forearm – Head butt – Neck crank

  Step 1: Franco begins with his left hand anchoring the neck.

  Step 2: He starts with a palm jolt to the chin.

  Step 3: Franco rakes his fingers into the eyes of the bag.

  Step 4: Next, he follows up with a vertical elbow to the chin.

  Step 5: Franco continues with a short arc hammer fist to the nose.

  Step 6: Without breaking contact, he delivers a diagonal elbow strike.

  Step 7: Next, a reverse shaving forearm.

  Step 8: He attacks with a head butt strike to the nose.

  Step 9: Franco sets up the neck crank.

  Step 10: The razing sequence is completed with a violent neck crank.

  Razing Demonstration #18

  Shaving forearm -Hammer fist -Vertical elbow – Eye rake – Shaving forearm – Elbow strike – Nose rip – Bite

  Step 1: Franco anchors the back of the neck.

  Step 2: He begins with a shaving forearm across the throat.

  Step 3: Next, he attacks with a short arc hammer fist strike.

  Step 4: Followed by a vertical elbow.

  Step 5: Next is the eye rake.

  Step 6: He immediately attacks with a shaving forearm across the face.

  Step 7: The shaving forearm converts to an elbow strike

  Step 8: Franco switches anchors and rips the nose with his left hand.

  Step 9: The razing sequence is completed with a deep bite into the jugular vein.

  Razing Demonstration #19

  Hammer fist – Vertical elbow – Hammer fist – Shaving forearm – Reverse shaving forearm – Eye rake – Bite

  Step 1: Franco anchors the back of the neck

  Step 2: He begins with a short arc hammer fist strike.

  Step 3: Followed by a vertical elbow.

  Step 4: He attacks with another short arc hammer fist.

  Step 5: He follows up with a shaving forearm across the face.

  Step 6: Next, a reverse shaving forearm.

  Step 7: Followed by an eye rake.

  Step 8: The razing sequence is complete with a deep bite into the jugular vein.

  Razing Demonstration #20

  Vertical elbow – Hammer fist – Shaving forearm – Eye rake – Palm jolt – Bite

  Step 1: Franco anchors the back of the neck.

  Step 2: He begins with by a vertical elbow.

  Step 3: Then a short arc hammer fist.

  Step 4: He immediately attacks with a shaving forearm across the face.

  Step 5: Followed by an eye rake.

  Step 6: Next, a palm jolt to the nose.

  Step 7: The razing sequence is complete with a deep bite into the jugular vein.


  Chapter Three: Traumatic Schematics

  Razing the Body Opponent Bag

  The body opponent bag (aka BOB) is, by far, the best piece of training equipment for developing your razing skills and techniques. Unlike the traditional heavy bag, this freestanding mannequin bag provides realistic facial targets that you can attack with full-speed, full-force strikes.

  Effective razing skills take time and practice to master. Remember to start out slowly and progressively build up the speed and intensity of your quarter beat strikes. If you are a beginner, avoid the urge to attack the bag with maximum speed and force. Take your time and enjoy the process of learning a new fighting skill.

  Body Opponent Bag Targets

  The primary razing targets on the body opponent bag include: the temple, eyes, nose, chin, and throat.

  Razing Schematics

  Here, I’m going to provide you with a variety of schematics that will allow you to practice razing combinations on your own. These diagrams are just examples of what you can do, remember you are only limited by your imagination. However, keep in mind that your razing combinations must also be logical and predicated on the probable reaction dynamics of a real person.

  How to Use the Schematics

  These razing schematics are designed to give you a clear visual reference point of how each razing technique flows into the next. The number sequence is especially important because it represents the specific order each quarter beat technique should be performed on the body opponent bag.

  The following photographs demonstrate how razing schematics translate to actual techniques performed on the bag.

  Here, the author demonstrates how the schematic translates to an actual technique executed on the body opponent bag. In this instance, number one represents the eye rake technique.

  Number two represents the second technique in the sequence which is a palm jolt to the chin of the bag.

  Number three represents the third technique in the sequence. Here, the author executes a shaving forearm across the face of the bag.

  The fourth technique in the schematic is a hammer fist strike to the nose. Notice how the technique travels diagonally to its target.

  The fifth technique in the schematic is the neck crank technique.

  Right Hand Razing Combinations

  The following razing combinations should be performed with your right hand while anchoring the neck with your left.

  Left Hand Razing Combinations

  The following razing combinations should be performed with your left hand while anchoring the neck with your right.

  Create Your Own Razing Combinations

  Use this section to write down your own razing combinations.









































  Tips for Razing the Body Opponent Bag

  Here are ten important points to keep in mind when razing the body opponent bag.

  1. Don’t “force the raze”. Let your series of strikes flow naturally and easily.

  2. Don’t forget to include biting tactics in your training.

  3. Always remain relaxed when razing. Tightening your muscles will only slow you down and break your offensive flow.

  4. Get into the habit of executing “zero beat” techniques at the end of your razing combination.

  5. Practice your razing skills at least three times per week (30 minutes per workout session) for six consecutive months.

  6. Keep your razing movement “clean” and “tight”, avoid sloppy telegraphic movements.

  7. While the body opponent bag is a useful training tool,
understand and recognize its inherent limitations. Remember, razing a stationary mannequin bag is nothing like razing an adrenaline-induced human being.

  8. If you want to improve the speed and overall flow of your razing techniques during your workout, you can apply a silicone based lubricant to BOB’s face.

  9. Never stand squarely in front of the bag when razing. Not only does this expose vital targets, it also diminishes your balance and inhibits your footwork. Always try to maintain a forty-five degree stance from your assailant.

  10. Practice razing with both your weak and dominant hands.

  11. Depending on where your hands are located, tactical biting can be performed on either the right or left side of the bag.

  12. The short arc hammer fist strike can be delivered both vertically and diagonally across the nose.

  13. The eye rake can be delivered horizontally, vertically and diagonally across the eyes.

  14. Avoid razing the body opponent bag two days in a row. Your hands and fingers need time to rest and heal from training.

  15. To develop a kinesthetic feel for the quarter beat body mechanics, consider razing the body opponent bag with your eyes closed.


  Chapter Four: Amplifying Damage

  What Are Razing Amplifiers?

  Razing amplifiers are techniques, tactics or procedures that magnify the damage and destruction of your razing assault. They can include scorching, hand-held weapon integration, environmental exploitation, leveraging tactics, and even strength and conditioning exercises.

  Some of you might be wondering why on earth would I have a chapter devoted to razing amplifiers? After all, isn’t the razing methodology enough to get the job done? Is it really necessary to augment the quarter beat fighting method? Well, the answer is yes and no.

  Why You Might Need a Razing Amplifier

  If you been faithfully reading and studying the widow maker book series, you’ll agree that the razing method of hand-to-hand combat is extremely destructive. It’s truly one of the few forms of unarmed fighting that simultaneously destroys your opponent physically and psychologically.

  On a physical level, razing can quickly and efficiently maim, disfigure, cripple and even kill your adversary. Compared to striking techniques, razing is the most efficient method of combat.

  From a psychological perspective, razing will immediately shock and terrorize your opponent’s mind and emotions. As a matter of fact, it’s not uncommon for seasoned brawlers to freeze up when they are being razed during a street fight.

  However, the limitation isn’t with razing per se, it’s with the practitioner. For example, there are many law-abiding citizens who might have physical limitations or handicaps that prohibit them from fully unleashing the destructiveness of the quarter beat attack. For example, a paraplegic who is confined to his wheelchair or a frail senior citizen.

  A razing amplifier, however, is an efficient equalizer that helps facilitate maximum razing damage to the opponent, regardless of a physical limitation or handicap.

  Self-defense does not occur in a vacuum. It’s spontaneous, unfair and unpredictable. There is also a very real possibility that you might be faced with a situation or circumstance that clearly puts you at a tactical disadvantage. For example, what if you were savagely attacked while nursing the flu, recovering from a serious injury, caring for your children, or while sleeping in your bed?

  In many of these cases, a razing amplifier gives you the edge you need to turn the tables on your criminal adversary. This can make all the difference between life and death for both you and your loved ones.

  You and You Alone Are Responsible

  Razing carries tremendous moral and social responsibility, as well as the risk of civil liability and criminal jeopardy. Remember, if you act too quickly or use what others might consider “excessive force” in neutralizing an adversary, you may end up being a defendant in court. Therefore, your actions must always be legally and morally justified in the eyes of the law.

  Whenever you are involved in a self-defense situation, there is always the possibility that you will be arrested by the police. Therefore, it’s imperative that you know your rights. If you are taken into police custody, you have the right to remain silent, obtain a lawyer, be informed of the charges against you, and have a judge decide whether you should be released on bail until your trial.

  Types of Razing Amplifiers

  As I mentioned earlier, razing amplifiers can include a variety of different tactic and techniques. Some are relatively simple while others are a bit more sophisticated. Let’s take a look at some of them.


  In my book, Feral Fighting: Advanced Widow Maker Fighting Techniques, I introduced the reader to the cunning art of scorching. Scorching is one of the most powerful and painful razing amplifiers that you have at your disposal.

  Essentially, scorching is the process of quickly and inconspicuously applying oleoresin capsicum to your fingers tips and then razing the adversary. Oleoresin capsicum a resin extracted from finely ground, dried chili peppers of the botanical group capsicum, which is then converted into an oil.

  Effective scorching requires the liquid form of oleoresin capsicum or extremely hot pepper sauce. Once applied, scorching efficiently transforms your fingertips into burning torches that generate over 2 million scoville heat units. This results in excruciating pain and temporarily blindness for your opponent. Other physical and psychological effects of scorching include:

  Redness of the eyes

  Swelling of the eyes

  Severe pain

  Conjunctive inflammation

  Lacrimation of the eyes

  Involuntary closing of the eyes

  Immediate disorientation


  A willingness to “give up.”

  Here, the author demonstrates the ink pad used for proper scorching application.

  Applying OC to Your Fingertips

  While there are several efficient methods of applying liquid oleoresin capsicum to your fingertips, the ink pad method is the best. This is very inexpensive and it just requires you to purchase a dry ink pad which is sold at your local office supply store.

  Simply pour a liberal amount of liquid OC on the dry pad. To prevent the oleoresin capsicum from evaporating, keep the lid closed at all times and only open it when you must apply it to your fingertips. It’s also a good idea to regularly check the ink pad to see if OC residue still remains on the pad.

  Just like self-defense sprays, the OC ink pad can easily be transported in your purse, backpack, briefcase, jacket pocket, car, etc. I have also conducted hundreds of simulated test scenarios with my students and have determined that you can apply liquid oleoresin capsicum to your fingers in less than three seconds using the ink pad method of carry.

  If you would like to learn more about scorching, please see my book Feral Fighting: Advanced Widow Maker Fighting Techniques.

  Hand-Held Weapon Integration

  Hand-held weapons are another power razing amplifier that can wreck havoc on your adversary. In many cases, these hand-held weapons can easily fracture the opponents facial bones as well as permanently destroy soft tissue targets such as the eyes and throat.

  However, not all hand-held self-defense weapons can be used when razing your opponent. The size, weight, and structural integrity of the device are critical considerations when choosing it for razing integration. What follows is a brief list of self-defense weapons that can you can use:


  Yawara stick

  Tactical flashlight

  Tactical pen

  Collapsed tactical folding knife

  Brass knuckles “knuckle dusters”

  While breast knuckles are considered illegal in most countries, there’s no escaping the fact that they can be a devastating razing amplifier.

  Hand-Held Razing Amplifiers

  The Kubotan.

  The Tactical Flashlight.

  The Tactical Pen.

  The Koga Mini Stick.

  A Collapsed tactical folding knife.