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Unleash Hell

  Unleash Hell

  A Step-by-Step Guide to Devastating Widow Maker Combinations

  Sammy Franco

  Contemporary Fighting Arts, LLC

  All rights reserved. Except for use in a review, no portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the author.


  “Hell is empty and all the devils are here.”

  - William Shakespeare



  Also by Sammy Franco



  Hell Defined

  1. Chapter One: Razing Refresher!

  2. Chapter Two: Unleash Hell On Your Opponent

  3. Chapter Three: Traumatic Schematics

  4. Chapter Four: Amplifying Damage

  Widow Maker Program Resources

  Author's Note

  About Sammy Franco

  More Books by Sammy Franco

  Also by Sammy Franco

  Feral Fighting: Advanced Widow Maker Fighting Techniques

  The Widow Maker Program: Extreme Self-Defense for Deadly Force Situations

  Maximum Damage: Hidden Secrets Behind Brutal Fighting Combinations

  Stand and Deliver: A Street Warrior;s Guide to Tactical Combat Stances

  First Strike: End a Fight in Ten Seconds or Less!

  The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall

  Self-Defense Tips and Tricks

  Kubotan Power: Quick & Simple Steps to Mastering the Kubotan Keychain

  The Complete Body Opponent Bag Book

  Heavy Bag Training: Boxing, Mixed Martial Arts & Self-Defense

  Gun Safety: For Home Defense and Concealed Carry

  Out of the Cage: A Guide to Beating a Mixed Martial Artist on the Street

  Warrior Wisdom: Inspiring Ideas from the World’s Greatest Warriors

  Savage Street Fighting: Tactical Savagery as a Last Resort

  War Machine: How to Transform Yourself Into a Vicious and Deadly Street Fighter

  1001 Street Fighting Secrets

  When Seconds Count: Self-Defense for the Real World

  Killer Instinct: Unarmed Combat for Street Survival

  Street Lethal: Unarmed Urban Combat


  The self-defense techniques, tactics, methods, and information described and depicted in this book can be dangerous and could result in serious injury and or death and should not be used or practiced in any way without the guidance of a professional reality based self-defense instructor.

  The author, publisher, and distributors of this book disclaim any liability from loss, injury, or damage, personal or otherwise, resulting from the information and procedures in this book. This book is for academic study only.

  Before you begin any exercise program, including those suggested in this book, it is important to check with your physician to see if you have any condition that might be aggravated by strenuous exercise.


  Unleash Hell is the third installment in my Widow Maker Program book series. For those who have not already read and studied my first Widow Maker book, I encourage you to do so, however it’s not necessary before reading this book.

  Unleash Hell takes you beyond the initial Widow Maker program by teaching you my favorite fight-stopping razing combinations that will quickly overwhelm and destroy your opponent in a matter of seconds.

  Unleash Hell is also a step-by-step training guide that enables you to burn devastating Widow Maker combinations into muscle memory while systematically developing extraordinary hand speed. This book also features advanced Widow Maker fighting concepts such as razing amplifiers, hand-held weapon integration, environmental exploitation tactics, and traumatic schematics.

  As I mentioned in my earlier books, “razing” is a very unusual and unorthodox form of hand-to-hand combat. As a matter of fact, it’s a revolutionary style of fighting that you won’t find in any martial art school or self-defense class. Simply put, razing is a one-of-a-kind fighting style.

  The objective of my Widow Maker Program is to teach the law-abiding citizen how to use extreme force when faced with the immediate threat of unlawful deadly criminal attack. This combat program is also particularly useful for military personnel who require an efficient and effective way to eliminate a formidable enemy when engaged in unarmed combat.

  The information presented in this book is not intended for cage fighting, sports combat, tournament competitions or any self-defense situation that does not justifiably warrant the use of deadly force. Deadly force is defined as violent action known to create a substantial risk of causing death or serious bodily harm. A person may use deadly force in self-defense only if retaliating against another’s deadly force.

  Much of the information contained in this book is lethal and should only be used to protect yourself or a loved one from immediate risk of unlawful deadly criminal attack. Remember, the decision to use deadly force must always be a last resort; after all other means of avoiding violence has been thoroughly exhausted.

  Unleash Hell has four chapters. Each one covers a critical aspect of the Widow Maker’s razing methodology. I strongly recommend that you read this book from beginning to end, chapter by chapter. Only after you have read the entire book should you treat it as a reference and skip around, reading those sections or topics that interest you.

  Good luck in your self-defense training!

  - Sammy Franco

  Hell Defined


  hel, noun. A state or place of great suffering; an unbearable experience.

  Source: New Oxford American Dictionary, © 2015.


  Chapter One: Razing Refresher!

  Widow Maker’s Two Part System

  The Widow Maker Program encompasses two unique fighting methods: Webbing and Razing. Interestingly enough, both can serve as devastating “stand-alone” techniques that can effectively neutralize your attacker. However, when you combine these two methods of fighting into one seamless method of attack, you create an unstoppable force.

  In this chapter, I’m going to readdress the razing methodology and its related elements. However, for those of you who need a review of the webbing technique, please see the chapter on webbing in my original Widow Maker book.

  The Widow Maker Program is comprised of two fighting methods: webbing and razing.

  A Razing Refresher

  Razing is both a brutal and invasive form of hand-to-hand combat that traumatizes your adversary both physically and psychologically. The excruciating pain and overwhelming characteristics of razing invokes immediate panic by delivering a destructiveness exceeding that of a deadly criminal attacker.

  When razing is properly executed, it will accomplish two important goals:

  Cognitive Brain Shutdown - The brutal and overwhelming nature of razing overrides the opponent’s cognitive brain preventing him from any lucid thought process. Since razing is so fast and ferocious, the opponent’s cognitive brain can’t process what is happening to him. Like a deer staring at headlights, he will literally freeze in his tracks.

  Instantaneous Damage– Razing is simply indefensible! The speed and proximity at which these quarter beat hits are delivered is truly overwhelming. Regardless of your opponent’s fighting skill and level of conditioning, he will be unable to effectively protect himself. I have stated in many of my class lectures that razing is likened to an angry swarm of wasps, your only hope is to try and escape from the pain.

  Other Advantages of Razing

  There are many other advantages to adding my razing methodology to your current self-defense training. Here is a brief list:

  It’s Unconventional - razing is
a very unusual and unorthodox form of fighting. To the uninitiated, it will appear bizarre, haphazard, and chaotic. Even seasoned martial artists and street fighters have never been exposed to this style of combat. As a result, they are unprepared to handle it both physically and psychologically.

  It’s Low Maintenance - razing techniques are exceptionally efficient and easy to perform under the duress of real world combat conditions. Unlike kicking and punching, you don’t need to spend countless hours perfecting fine motor skill body mechanics.

  It’s Safe - razing requires you to attack soft tissue targets with your fingers and hands. Unlike fisted blows and other impact techniques, you don’t run the risk of spraining or breaking your wrists or hands when razing your opponent.

  Easily Integrated - razing can easily be integrated into any martial art style or self-defense system. So, if you currently study any of the popular martial arts styles, you can seamlessly add razing to your repertoire.

  Razing Techniques

  In Contemporary Fighting Arts, razing is defined as a series of vicious close quarter techniques designed to physically and psychologically extirpate a criminal attacker. These close quarter techniques are executed at various beats: (half beat, quarter beat, and zero beat) and they include the following:

  E ye raking

  E ye gouging

  T earing

  C rushing

  B iting

  H air pulling

  E lbow strikes

  S having forearms

  H ead butts

  H air Pulling

  B icep pops

  N eck cranks

  F inishing chokes

  Razing Technique Examples

  The Shaving Forearm.

  The Eye Rake.

  The Short Arc Hammer Fist.

  The Palm Jolt.

  The Thumb Gouge.

  The Vertical Elbow

  The Horizontal Elbow.

  The Biceps Pop.

  The Throat Crush.

  The Neck Crank.

  Judge, Jury and Executioner

  With extreme power, also comes responsibility. Razing is deadly and can easily blind, maim and disfigure your opponent. During a self-defense altercation, you possess the power and ability to rupture the opponent’s eyes, tear off his flesh, injure his brain, and break his neck.

  Simply put, razing makes you the judge, jury, and executioner, all in a matter of seconds. Therefore, razing must only be used in high-risk self-defense situations that warrant the application of deadly force.

  Understanding Deadly Force

  So what is deadly force? First, let me state that you must never use force against anyone unless it is absolutely necessary. Next, “force” is broken down into two levels: deadly and non deadly. Deadly force is defined as violent action known to create a substantial risk of causing death or serious bodily harm. A person may use deadly force in self-defense only if retaliating against another’s deadly force. Non deadly force is an amount of force that does not result in serious bodily injury or death.

  Let me be clear, razing can produce serious bodily harm and possible death. They are classified as deadly force techniques and must only be used to protect yourself or a loved one from immediate risk of unlawful deadly criminal attack. Remember, the decision to use deadly force must always be a last resort; after all other means of avoiding violence has been thoroughly exhausted.

  Razing should not be used as an intermediate use-of-force tactic. It is not designed to be “toned down” as a compliance tool to gain control over your opponent. It’s all or nothing with razing! For it to work effectively, it must be delivered with tremendous force and blistering speed. Frankly, anything less will likely result in the opponent seriously injuring you.

  Before employing razing techniques, you must be absolutely certain that your self-defense situation justifies the application of deadly force.

  The Widow Maker’s Beat System

  In my original book, The Widow Maker Program: Extreme Self-Defense for Deadly Force Situations, I discussed the Widow Maker’s unique beat system. Understanding this system and how it relates to technique execution is critically important and certainly worth repeating. Essentially, there are four beat classifications. They include:

  Full Beat - your strike has an initiation and retraction phase. A basic punch, like a jab, is considered a “full beat” strike.

  Half Beat - your strike is delivered through the retraction phase of the proceeding strike.

  Quarter Beat – a rapid series of strikes that never break contact with the target. Quarter beat strikes are primarily responsible for creating the psychological panic and trauma for the opponent.

  Zero Beat - full pressure techniques applied to a specific target until it completely ruptures. Includes gouging, biting and choking techniques. Primary anatomical targets include the eyes and throat. Zero beat is most often applied at the end of your razing assault.

  While there are four unique beat classifications, the razing methodology only requires the use of three. They are half, quarter and full beats.

  Full Beat Demonstration

  Step 1: Franco squares off in a fighting stance.

  Step 2: He delivers a lead straight punch by extending his arm at his opponent.

  Step 3: Franco retracts his arm back to the starting position.

  Half Beat Demonstration

  Step 1: Franco assumes a fighting stance.

  Step 2: He delivers a lead palm heel strike by extending his arm.

  Step 3: As Franco retracts his arm back, he converts it to a lead horizontal elbow strike.

  Quarter Beat Demonstration

  Step 1: Franco begins his quarter beat assault with an eye rake.

  Step 2: He rakes the opponent’s eyes in a quick downward motion.

  Step 3: Without breaking contact with his opponent’s face, he attacks with a palm jolt to the chin.

  Step 4: He immediately follows up with a shaving forearm across his opponent’s face.

  Zero Beat Demonstration

  Pictured here, the author demonstrates a single thumb gouge technique.

  The rear naked choke (RNC) is another effective zero beat technique used at the completion phase of razing.

  Razing Targets

  Razing techniques require you to attack a very specific set of anatomical targets. All of these targets can be found on the opponent’s face and head. They include the following:







  Let’s begin by looking at each target. We will start with the opponent’s eyes.


  Eyes sit in the orbital bones of the skull. They are ideal targets for razing because they are extremely sensitive and difficult to protect, and damaging them requires very little force. The eyes can be poked, scratched, and gouged from a variety of angles. Depending on the force of your strike, it can cause numerous injuries, including:

  watering of the eyes


  blurred vision

  temporary or permanent blindness

  severe pain





  The temple or sphenoid bone is a thin, weak bone located on the side of the skull approximately 1 inch from the eyes. Because of its fragile structure and close proximity to the brain, a powerful strike to this target can be deadly. Other injuries include







  The nose is made up of a thin bone, cartilage, numerous blood vessels, and many nerves. It’s a particularly good target for razing because it stands out from the opponent’s face and can be struck from three different directions (up, straight, down). A powerful blow can cause:

  stunning pain


temporary blindness





  The chin is equally a good target for razing techniques. When it is struck at a 45-degree angle, shock is transmitted to the cerebellum and cerebral hemispheres of the brain, resulting in paralysis and immediate unconsciousness. Other possible injuries include:

  broken jaw


  whiplash to the neck


  The throat is a lethal razing target because it is only protected by a thin layer of skin. This region consists of the thyroid, hyaline and crocoid cartilage, trachea, and larynx. The trachea, or windpipe, is a cartilaginous tube that measures 4 1/2 inches in length and is approximately 1 inch in diameter. A powerful strike to this target can result in: